我喜欢的食物-雅思英语作文 具体内容和外语频道一起来看看吧 范文1: I like junk food so much because it tastes so long.I go to KFC almost every day.My mother is worried about me. Soon I found that I was gaining weight quickly.I looked fatter.Some cloth...
文章译自medium,文章作者Ashley Abramson,原文标题The Secret to Better Health May Be Eating Delicious Food。 Milkos/iStock/Getty Images Plus 40年前,Christopher Gardner——当时...
【优秀作文展】我的最爱——肯德基 ■河津市实验小学六(2)班 薛皓天 指导教师 杨梅 图片来源于网络 说起肯德基,大多青少年赞不绝口,那可是我们最爱的美食。它的主料——鸡肉,吃起来外酥...